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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

The desire to be happy is a universal part of human nature. It is a fact, though, that there are nearly as many definitions for the word "happiness" as there are human beings on this planet. Every person has his or her own unique definition of what happiness means; this is because each person has his or her own unique desires, wishes, thoughts, emotions and dreams.

 If the definition of happiness is as individual as the desire for it is universal, how can you hope or attempt to attain it?

 You want to be happy? You want your life to be brimming with happiness, and to share it with others? The first thing which you must do in order to make happiness a part of your everyday life and a part of your future is to decide what it means to you. If you "compare notes" with your friends, or even with your family members, you WILL go off track, and you WILL be quite disappointed. As they, too, are individuals, you cannot reasonably expect them to describe happiness in precisely the same manner as you do for yourself. When you are planning to make happiness a part of your life, putting the focus on your own definition first is essential. After all, it is quite impossible to attain something if you are uncertain as to what it is that you wish to attain.

  There are three basic approaches to the subject happiness. Some people have an external approach. To these people, the existence or absence of happiness is primarily determined by what they have, what they do, what they accomplish. They find the prospect of a nice family vacation, a new job promotion or opportunity, or similar types of external factors to be Happiness.

  Others take an internal approach. For them, the highest and best state of happiness involves a true sense of inner-peace, contentment, and general well-being. Still others take the approach that true happiness is about acceptance that everything is fine exactly as it is. Individual personality traits account for differences in happiness styles and knowing what happiness means to you is the surest way that you can attain it.

 When you know what happiness means to you, you can then proceed toward it by beginning to remove the obstacles. Whether a new home is your fondest desire, whether you wish to have a sense of contentment in your everyday life, or whether you feel that you are relatively happy with yourself and your life but simply need to be sure that you are on the right track, happiness does not need to be a far-off goal that you may or may not reach someday, it is something that is very close to your reach right now. Decide what happiness means to you, and what you reach for will be within your grasp!

Ask yourself the following questions.....
What makes you happy?  
What Obstacles are standing in your way of "True Happiness"?
What are you willing to sacrifice to reach this ultimate emotion of satisfaction?
Will you ever truly be satisfied or is it a constent seeking until we stand face to face with Jesus Christ??

    This Blog was inspired by the thought of my Sweet Suzi Raines and her amazing journey to find inner happiness! 
congratulations, I love you Susu and am so proud of you.


  1. Lauren, great post! I sometimes find myself stuck in the middle. I think I am a very content person, however, sometimes I like to do something beyond my everyday.. ie: a vacation (which has not really happened since my honeymoon!) I struggle with the idea of happiness sometimes because sometimes I feel like Aaron and I have completely different ideas of this concept sometimes... and that can be tough! Anywho, great post and I look forward to enjoying many more...

  2. Amazing... You hit the nail righ on te head Lauren...I've been gong in circles and thanks to you now I know why...I truly have never know what really makes me happy. I'm on the right path now. THANKS!!!

  3. Great job baby, this post really turned out perfect! I know that what's most important to me and my happiness is just simply having you by my side. On the deepest level, we are 2 individuals that choose to love each other more than anything in the world and have combined our daily lives as one, however, the pursuit of happiness for each other can be different at times, which is ok, I am just simply happy being next to you for this journey called "Life". I love you each and every day, more and more.

  4. thank you, sweet sparrow! i'm so proud of you for starting this blog so that you can share your "sparrow-isms" with the world. you have been such a big inspiration in my journey...glad to see you'll be an inspiration for so many others now, too!
