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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Breakfast Is For Champions

3) Breakfast is for Champions

My Champion, Bill Meyer of "Meyer Fitness".

  Every morning, you're faced with a choice. You can either take control of time or let time control you. Your number one weapon against a hectic and chaotic morning filled with mood swings and short tempers is breakfast.  The healthy smart people place breakfast into their never-ending list of things to do. Sit your busy bootays, down and relax over a healthy breakfast. You deserve it and will need it to face your day.
  The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, is the day you stop making any excuses, and that is the day you start to live. 
1.       “Not enough time”.   Good one readers, thousands of breakfast take less than 5 minutes to prepare.  You have plenty of time; the harsh reality is you just suck at time management.
2.       “I don’t like breakfast”.  This is the excuse of a person that does not know breakfast.  Be creative, mix it up.  No one ever said that you can’t eat leftovers from the night before.  Something is better than nothing at all.
3.       “I’m trying to lose weight”.   Eating breakfast is one of the best weight loss tips I can give a client trying to slim down.  It will speed up your metabolism, giving you more energy, and more energy means more calories burned throughout the day, which in result means hot sexy bodies. 

   The Wheaties box got it right, breakfast is for champions. Not only is breakfast the most important meal, it could be the biggest mistake if you decide not to eat it. What time was your last meal the previous night?  If your last meal was 9:00 or 10:00 pm, going until 12:00 pm the next day results in 14-15 hours of fasting. Remember what happens when we skip meals? Now you're in continuous muscle burning mode. Now combine skipping breakfast with an early morning workout on an empty stomach and you will see the negative impact it has on your energy level and performance. Doing so increases the risk of you eating larger portions at night when you are less active, promoting the storage of body fat and the potential for weight gain. Start the morning with a well-rounded breakfast.
  Just like all other meals you will need a variety within you’re a.m. meal.  Make sure your breakfast includes Protein, fruit, multi-grain, carbohydrates.
Note: If you have an early morning workout and have trouble eating whole food, take 1 scoop of whey protein with water or low-fat milk and a piece of fresh fruit to activate and wake-up your muscle tissue.  Lean and light will start your morning and workout right.
·         Eggs- Omelet, scrambled, hard boiled,   poached, etc. there are a million ways to eat eggs.  Believe me I know more than anyone.  I could eat eggs every meal of the day and often days I do.  My Fiancee and better half has come up with 100 different egg receipts just to make me smile, it is amazing how creative he gets and you can to!
·         Oatmeal
·         Whole Grain cereal with skim, soy,  or 1% milk
·         Fresh Fruit
·         100% juice
·         Drink your breakfast make a smoothie filled with much nutrition and a scoop of protein, place it in a travel mug and be on your way.  Yummy to my tummy.
·         Whole wheat toast
Challenge of the Day- Make one of these smoothies for breakfast tomorrow and drink it before your day gets started. 

Power Peanut Butter Smoothie
Note: Add more Ice to smoothies if you desire thickness and less for not so thick! (That’s what she said).
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup of skim, soy, or 1% milk.  Water will work if you are lactose.
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 scoop of whey protein powder
Place in a blender container, blend together yogurt, milk, whey protein powder, ice, and peanut butter. Makes 1 or 2 servings.  Share with your family, roommate, or better halves, they will love it!
Note: Add more Ice to smoothies if you desire thickness and less for not so thick!
Banana-Strawberry Smoothie
2 ripe small bananas
1 cup frozen unsweetened whole strawberries
18-ounce carton vanilla low-fat yogurt
3/4 cup of skim, soy, or 1% milk. Water will work if you are lactose
Scoop of Whey Protein Powder
1. Peel bananas. Cut bananas into chunks. Place banana chunks, frozen strawberries, yogurt, Scoop of Whey Protein Powder, ice, and skim milk into blender a container.
2. Cover blender and blend on high speed about 1 minute or until mixture is smooth. Turn off blender. Pour drink into 2 glasses. 
Fact of The Day: The word “breakfast” literally means to break fast. As we know, fasting is the act of not eating over a period of time. We may not think of it this way, but we virtually fast while we sleep — even if we dream about food. The act of eating breakfast is literally breaking the fast!

It's a new day. 


  1. Great job honey!! Keep up the inspiration!! So proud of you and your drive to help others!

  2. HI! I like your Blogs... I hope you can check mine too. GREAT job!
