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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Breakfast Is For Champions

3) Breakfast is for Champions

My Champion, Bill Meyer of "Meyer Fitness".

  Every morning, you're faced with a choice. You can either take control of time or let time control you. Your number one weapon against a hectic and chaotic morning filled with mood swings and short tempers is breakfast.  The healthy smart people place breakfast into their never-ending list of things to do. Sit your busy bootays, down and relax over a healthy breakfast. You deserve it and will need it to face your day.
  The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, is the day you stop making any excuses, and that is the day you start to live. 
1.       “Not enough time”.   Good one readers, thousands of breakfast take less than 5 minutes to prepare.  You have plenty of time; the harsh reality is you just suck at time management.
2.       “I don’t like breakfast”.  This is the excuse of a person that does not know breakfast.  Be creative, mix it up.  No one ever said that you can’t eat leftovers from the night before.  Something is better than nothing at all.
3.       “I’m trying to lose weight”.   Eating breakfast is one of the best weight loss tips I can give a client trying to slim down.  It will speed up your metabolism, giving you more energy, and more energy means more calories burned throughout the day, which in result means hot sexy bodies. 

   The Wheaties box got it right, breakfast is for champions. Not only is breakfast the most important meal, it could be the biggest mistake if you decide not to eat it. What time was your last meal the previous night?  If your last meal was 9:00 or 10:00 pm, going until 12:00 pm the next day results in 14-15 hours of fasting. Remember what happens when we skip meals? Now you're in continuous muscle burning mode. Now combine skipping breakfast with an early morning workout on an empty stomach and you will see the negative impact it has on your energy level and performance. Doing so increases the risk of you eating larger portions at night when you are less active, promoting the storage of body fat and the potential for weight gain. Start the morning with a well-rounded breakfast.
  Just like all other meals you will need a variety within you’re a.m. meal.  Make sure your breakfast includes Protein, fruit, multi-grain, carbohydrates.
Note: If you have an early morning workout and have trouble eating whole food, take 1 scoop of whey protein with water or low-fat milk and a piece of fresh fruit to activate and wake-up your muscle tissue.  Lean and light will start your morning and workout right.
·         Eggs- Omelet, scrambled, hard boiled,   poached, etc. there are a million ways to eat eggs.  Believe me I know more than anyone.  I could eat eggs every meal of the day and often days I do.  My Fiancee and better half has come up with 100 different egg receipts just to make me smile, it is amazing how creative he gets and you can to!
·         Oatmeal
·         Whole Grain cereal with skim, soy,  or 1% milk
·         Fresh Fruit
·         100% juice
·         Drink your breakfast make a smoothie filled with much nutrition and a scoop of protein, place it in a travel mug and be on your way.  Yummy to my tummy.
·         Whole wheat toast
Challenge of the Day- Make one of these smoothies for breakfast tomorrow and drink it before your day gets started. 

Power Peanut Butter Smoothie
Note: Add more Ice to smoothies if you desire thickness and less for not so thick! (That’s what she said).
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1/4 cup of skim, soy, or 1% milk.  Water will work if you are lactose.
2 tablespoons peanut butter
1 scoop of whey protein powder
Place in a blender container, blend together yogurt, milk, whey protein powder, ice, and peanut butter. Makes 1 or 2 servings.  Share with your family, roommate, or better halves, they will love it!
Note: Add more Ice to smoothies if you desire thickness and less for not so thick!
Banana-Strawberry Smoothie
2 ripe small bananas
1 cup frozen unsweetened whole strawberries
18-ounce carton vanilla low-fat yogurt
3/4 cup of skim, soy, or 1% milk. Water will work if you are lactose
Scoop of Whey Protein Powder
1. Peel bananas. Cut bananas into chunks. Place banana chunks, frozen strawberries, yogurt, Scoop of Whey Protein Powder, ice, and skim milk into blender a container.
2. Cover blender and blend on high speed about 1 minute or until mixture is smooth. Turn off blender. Pour drink into 2 glasses. 
Fact of The Day: The word “breakfast” literally means to break fast. As we know, fasting is the act of not eating over a period of time. We may not think of it this way, but we virtually fast while we sleep — even if we dream about food. The act of eating breakfast is literally breaking the fast!

It's a new day. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Eat More and Weight Less. WHAT??

2) Eat More and Weight Less
Proceed with caution: Don't get to excited readers, The Bigger the snacks, means the bigger the slacks. Nothing will ever taste better than a healthy lifestyle!
   I often thought that my good friend and Co-worker Jim Bell was a human garbage disposal.  He is almost 100 years old (wink) but has the body of a 20 year old.  After watching Jim and the amount of food he would intake daily, but still looking ripped, I began to realize allowing myself to enter starvation mode was just not the way to go anymore. As much as I work out and as many calories that I was burning daily I came to the realization that the only way to reach my ultimate goal was going to be to eat, eat, eat!
 I began to educate myself a little more on nutrition and with help from an amazing friend, and nutritionist Teri Alvarado of Austin, Texas as well as many reality checks from my fiancee William Meyer my journey finally began after many years of hunger.  Now, I inspire to use my life lesson to educate you all. For the record it was not that I was not eating healthy; it was just that I was not eating enough (which is worst).

Jim Bell of Catz, Austin

  In order to keep your body's gas tank full and maintain a high level of energy, eating every 3-4 hours will prevent your body from using muscle (protein) for energy and instead, burn fat. Additional benefits include maintaining a healthy blood sugar, prevention of overeating, and maintaining lean muscle mass. Skipping meals (going more than 4 hours without eating) causes the body to use muscle for energy which increases body fat and impairs performance. Have a plan by bringing healthy snacks to school or work and eat between meals and after a workout.   
  Everyone I know that has made the attempt to start this healthy lifestyle that involves eating every three to four hours has the same complaint: “I cannot eat that much food!” It’s very difficult for them to eat 350 calories worth of health food. They often gasp at the idea of eating another meal in just three hours’ time. It’s weird to think the same person might rather eat a 1200 calorie plate of pasta in a single meal.          
  The first steps into eating five or six meals a day often left me feeling over-stuffed; wondering if this is really some sort secret way to get us all to be over weight. Rest assured that this is not a scam, there is nothing shady going on.
Relax! You Won’t Get Fat
  From my observations, this may be truer for women than men: The worry if you eat that much food you will only make yourself fat. This reaction is probably more common for those people trying to lose weight. It feels odd to eat more food and stuff your belly with food when trying to lose weight.
Simple Equation: The more small meals you eat, the faster your metabolism= the more weight you will lose. 
Stay the Course
  After a couple days of forcing yourself to eat the 3-4 healthy balanced small portioned meals you will be able to comfortably eat the entire meal and look forward to your next feeding. Your body will quickly adapt to this new lifestyle. You only have to give it a chance. Stay the course!

Try some of the following snacks without eating away your will-power:
•Peanut Butter or Turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread
•1 Scoop of Whey Protein with low fat milk
•Handful of nuts with Fresh fruit (this is sounding kinda kinky now, wink)
*Nutrition Bar (any around 200 calories with at least 10-15 grams of Protein)
•Fresh Fruit with a piece of low fat string cheese
•Lean Beef Jerky (2-3 ounces) with fresh fruit

Challenge of the Day: I know that a lot of you are busy, or have children, or can come up with a million more excuses.  I have not only heard them all, I was once making them myself.  Make this a priority. Ask yourselves how important is losing weight, or living a healthy lifestyle for you and your families?  
  Pack 5 small meals tomorrow for work, set an alarm on your phone for every three to four hours after eating a meal, eat and then re-set until completing all 5 meals.  Keep a food journal for this challenge and write down how you feel before and after every meal.  Feel free to let us all know how it goes.
 Nutrition Fact of The Day: It takes your brain about 20 minutes after you have eaten to get the full signal from your stomach.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nutrition is your Secret Weapon to the "Gun Show".

   After a decade of setting that infamous New Year resolution of getting back into shape and fitting back into those skinny jeans, you have decided that 2011 is “THE YEAR” (again) that you will accomplish your goals.  Are you putting the time, sweat, and energy in the gym but not seeing results?  Many active people don't take into account the significance nutrition plays in improving performance, enhancing recovery, reducing down time from injuries and illness, and getting those results that you are seeking once and for all.  Join me on a four day journey of exploring 4 Nutrition Guidelines to take in account when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle.  My much better half William Meyer inspired me to make a series out of this Blog so I hope to challenge you within the upcoming days.
1) Nutrition is your Secret    Weapon to "The Gun Show"
  Sorry readers you can’t put one hour of hard work in the gym and swing by McDonalds on the way home every night in hopes that the “Super Sizer” and Large Milkshake will trim that waistline, and tone that bootaaay .   The best way to eat donuts is to only eat the center part. It is just not worth it!!  Ask yourself if you bought a new Mercedes, would you fill it up with 87 Octane or 93 Super Premium Gasoline?  The finest gasoline will make your car run better and result in less mechanical problems. The same goes for quality nutrition and your body. Fueling your body with high quality nutrition provides you with a foundation to achieve optimal energy levels, improve muscle recovery, minimize your risk of illness (cold, flu, infection), and  reach personal goals in the gym and out. Here's a start on what I define as quality nutrition.       Keep in mind if you struggle with pronouncing the ingredients in something.... you probably shouldn't eat it.
Fresh Produce (Fruits and Vegetables) - Eat 6-10 servings per day.
Whole Grain Carbohydrates - Oatmeal, 100% Whole Grain Cereal, Sweet Potatoes, Whole Wheat pasta, Brown Rice, 100% Whole Wheat Bread.
Healthy Fats - Oils- Olive, Canola, Sunflower, and Safflower, Nuts (Brazil, Almonds, Cashews, Walnuts, Sunflower Seeds, Natural Peanut Butter (i.e. SmartBalance, Almond Butter), Low Fat Salad Dressings.
Lean Protein/Meat - choose from the following cuts of meat to lower your risk of heart disease and maintain a healthy performance weight- Chicken - preferably skinless white meat baked, grilled, or broiled- Beef - 93-96% extra lean ground meat, Filet, Flank, Eye of Round, or Sirloin- Fish - any fish baked, grilled, or broiled (Tuna, Salmon, Trout, and Halibut are best)- Pork - tenderloin or Center Cut Pork Chops- Turkey - Extra Lean Ground turkey or skinless white meat baked, grilled, or broiled- Deli Meats - Lean Roast Beef, Ham, or Turkey- Protein Powders - Whey or Casein Proteins (Muscle Milk Collegiate)- Wild Game - Venison (Deer), Buffalo or Bison- Egg Whites or Egg Beaters- Skim or Low Fat (1%) Milk- Lowfat Cottage Cheese- Vegetarian Hot Dogs, Sausage Patties, Burgers (i.e. Morningstar Farms)
*Challenge of the Day:  Make a list out of your favorite foods that were mentioned above and hit up your closest grocery store.  Stop the search and battle for the closest parking spots and park in the spot furthest away from the store and walk; you could burn up to 100 extra calories.  Remove the wheels from your grocery cart and use two baskets to store your food in.  Bicep curl the baskets and when they get too heavy to curl, you know that your trip is over. Never eat more than you can lift.  Watch for tomorrow’s number two’s Fit Fabulous, and Fierce post.   Your adventure begins today. 

Nutrition Fact of the Day: It Takes 3500 Calories To Make A Pound Of Fat.

"Don't Dig your Grave with your own Knife and Fork"

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Excuses are Not Reasons

    How many people do you know that constantly make excuses for why they can’t exercise? Chances are you know at least one. Maybe you are one of them?  If those people out there would spend that time that they are making excuses exercising, just imagine the possibilities. But let’s get one thing straight … excuses are not reasons.
    Studies show that 60% of American adults don't get the recommended amount of physical activity, and over 25% of adults are not active at all. These statistics reflect the fact that many of us simply don't exercise. What's your excuse? Here are a few common excuses that I often hear in my profession.  As well as my "Sparrow Feedback" on them. 

***Warning:  Harsh reality, brace yourselves! 

1. I don’t have time to exercise    SERIOUSLY?? People will always find time to do something they enjoy doing. Saying you don’t have time to exercise is just an excuse to get out of doing something you can’t be bothered doing. Now, I’m not saying that you are not a busy person (aren't we all). But I am certain that every person can find 15-60 minutes, somewhere in their day, to exercise.  I mean, in the duration of reading my blog you could get a 5 minute workout in. Make an appointment with yourself to exercise. Time is muscle and lets face it readers if you are not focused on your ass, nobody will be.

2. There is no gym close to my house   You can get in great shape without ever stepping foot into a gym. Buy some sandbells from,  some resistance bands, jump rope, or just use your body weight if you can't afford equipment.  Your home and your backyard is by far the greatest gym facility ever . An at home cardio workout only requires a good pair of running shoes, self discipline,  and a creative mind. No gym? No excuse!

3. I don’t know how to exercise    You did not always know how to walk, or read, swim, or chew. Exercise is not rocket science. If you really have no idea how to be active, go and buy a fitness magazine, ask a friend who exercises regularly for some tips, or hire a personal trainer. There is absolutely no reason why people can’t engage in some form of physical activity. Unless your doctor has specifically told you that you should not exercise at all, start by taking a jog or a walk around the block. There are tons of tools to kick off this journey. 

4. I have no energy to exercise    Of course if you sit around all day doing nothing you will feel lazy. Exercise has been shown to increase energy levels and leave people feeling better about themselves and more energized. Get up off the couch and get moving, the days of bicep curls with your remote controls during "American Idol" is just not cutting it.  And watching "The Biggest Loser" might motivate you to live a healthy lifestyle but it is time to put action to it.   Start with just 10 minutes of activity each day. Soon you will have the energy and confidants to do more. You have nothing to lose but weight!

5. I have no one to work out with    If you can't depend on yourself and hold yourself responsible for your own actions, than how the hell are you depending on another? Do you really need someone to workout with? Do you need someone to wipe your butt too?  For most of us it would be nice to have some company an "accountability partner". What will happen to your motivation though if your workout partner is not as motivated as you when it comes to exercise? What if they start skipping workouts and you’re left to workout on your own anyway? Would you stop too? Unless you have someone you know who is totally committed to exercising with you like I have my amazing fiancee William Meyer, you really don’t need a workout partner. If you absolutely cannot workout alone … hire a trainer, participate in an exercise class, or take your furry friend for a walk. Ultimately, you hold the key to your destiny. Some reliable sources to hold you accountable are listed below if you live in the Hampton Roads area.
1) Coming soon to Ghent "Meyers Family Fitness"  a studio that is ran by my Fiancee.  The most educated trainer I know.  Serious Fitness, Seriously Fun!
2) Virginia Beach Field House Adult Fitness group.  Mondays and Wednesday Nights from 7-8pm.  Drop your kids off at the Fun Zone and come workout with me.  January 12th we will be holding a FREE class. 

     As you can see, there are solutions to each of these excuses and anymore you attempt to bring to my attention. Don’t let excuses get the better of you and keep you from reaching your goals. Focus instead on the benefits you will get from engaging in a regular exercise routine. You will be thankful you ditched the excuses in the end. This is the first day of the rest of your life. Stop going through the motions and start living.

Did You?

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Marriage Is Not Always Easy? Damn it!

   Being a bride-to-be is a part-time job, I should get paid for this.  Every second that I am not working my full-time job or training my athletes I have an appointment or a task at hand to accomplish.  Where and how did society and myself allow the "True Definition" of this magical day disappear and be replaced with ribbons and curls? Although I am very blessed and excited to have the opportunity and the most AMAZING parents that only wish for me to feel nothing less of a princess for this day you have to ask,....What is all the hype about??  

   Catering, save the dates, invitations, compile guest list, choose and retain officiant, notify attendants, accessories, florist and arrangements, (deep breath) photographer, Dj, song list, Musician for ceremony, rental equipment, register for gifts, wedding cake, groom's attire, fittings, veils, shoes, themes, booking hotels, favors, transportation, bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girl, ceremony.  JEEEZZZZZZZ!!!
   I will be the first one to admit I was "That Little Girl" that desired all of these things.  I used the curtains as my veil, the weeds growing in my front yard as my bouquet,  my babysitters high heels, the hallway leading to my kitchen as my long isle, my little sister humming "The Wedding March", while my stuffed animal Tubes was my handsome and extremely short groom (R.I.P. Tubes). Only after meeting my groom to be did I really realize the true meaning and art of marriage. 

I wasn't kidding readers.

   In Genesis we read:  And the Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." . . . So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs and closed up the place with flesh (Love is pain men,wink). Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib (side) he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. (Gen 2:18, 21 22)

   Through many chats with married couples I have come to the realization that happiness in marriage is not something that magically happens (Damn it!).  A good marriage must be created.  In marriage the little things are the big things. So I have decided to take a few moments to discontinue my wedding plans for the next five minutes to list off a few of the little things that I have seemingly forget about during the hype of this insane wedding planning circus.

         * It is loyalty and honesty. * It is never being too old to hold hands. * it is always living for and through Christ. * It is determining the mood of your partner. * It is remembering to say "I love you" at least once a day. * It is never going to sleep angry. * It is always excepting the women is right (wink) * It is at no time taking the other for granted; * The courtship should never end  with the honeymoon, it should continue through the years. * It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives. * A happy wife, is a happy life. * It is always opening the door * It is standing together facing the world. * It is forming a circle of love that gathers the whole "farmily" (Scipio, Brutus, and Tough). * It is doing things for each other, not in the attitude of duty or sacrifice, but in the spirit of joy. *It is speaking words of appreciation  and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways. * It is excepting that his farts won't ever smell like roses * It is not looking for perfection in each other. * It is cultivating flexibility, patience, understanding and a sense of humor. * It is having the capacity to forgive and forget. * It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow old. * It is a common search for the good and the beautiful. * It is not only marrying the right partner, it is being the right partner.

   When all is said and done all that truly matters is the man at the end of the isle. I've ultimately purchased the ticket, strapped myself in, and look forward to  embracing that day with my best friends and family. I am going to sit back and enjoy this ride and first of many exciting chapters of the our amazing adventures.

My ultimate goal on my wedding day!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Pursuit of Happiness

The desire to be happy is a universal part of human nature. It is a fact, though, that there are nearly as many definitions for the word "happiness" as there are human beings on this planet. Every person has his or her own unique definition of what happiness means; this is because each person has his or her own unique desires, wishes, thoughts, emotions and dreams.

 If the definition of happiness is as individual as the desire for it is universal, how can you hope or attempt to attain it?

 You want to be happy? You want your life to be brimming with happiness, and to share it with others? The first thing which you must do in order to make happiness a part of your everyday life and a part of your future is to decide what it means to you. If you "compare notes" with your friends, or even with your family members, you WILL go off track, and you WILL be quite disappointed. As they, too, are individuals, you cannot reasonably expect them to describe happiness in precisely the same manner as you do for yourself. When you are planning to make happiness a part of your life, putting the focus on your own definition first is essential. After all, it is quite impossible to attain something if you are uncertain as to what it is that you wish to attain.

  There are three basic approaches to the subject happiness. Some people have an external approach. To these people, the existence or absence of happiness is primarily determined by what they have, what they do, what they accomplish. They find the prospect of a nice family vacation, a new job promotion or opportunity, or similar types of external factors to be Happiness.

  Others take an internal approach. For them, the highest and best state of happiness involves a true sense of inner-peace, contentment, and general well-being. Still others take the approach that true happiness is about acceptance that everything is fine exactly as it is. Individual personality traits account for differences in happiness styles and knowing what happiness means to you is the surest way that you can attain it.

 When you know what happiness means to you, you can then proceed toward it by beginning to remove the obstacles. Whether a new home is your fondest desire, whether you wish to have a sense of contentment in your everyday life, or whether you feel that you are relatively happy with yourself and your life but simply need to be sure that you are on the right track, happiness does not need to be a far-off goal that you may or may not reach someday, it is something that is very close to your reach right now. Decide what happiness means to you, and what you reach for will be within your grasp!

Ask yourself the following questions.....
What makes you happy?  
What Obstacles are standing in your way of "True Happiness"?
What are you willing to sacrifice to reach this ultimate emotion of satisfaction?
Will you ever truly be satisfied or is it a constent seeking until we stand face to face with Jesus Christ??

    This Blog was inspired by the thought of my Sweet Suzi Raines and her amazing journey to find inner happiness! 
congratulations, I love you Susu and am so proud of you.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Today is The Best Day Of My Life.

   Today, When I awoke and saw that this big bouncing ball that we call earth was covered in White I realized The future lies before me, like the paths of pure white snow, I must be careful how I tread it, for every step will show.  At that very moment a realization consumed my body that this is the best day of my life, EVER.

  There were times in my life when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did, I'm going to celebrate!

  Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: The accomplishments, the many blessings, and yes, even the hardships because they have served to make make me stronger.

I will go through this day with my head held high, and with a happy heart. I will marvel at God's seemingly simple gifts: The snow covered yards, the iced over trees, the sight, feel, and safety of the warmth we embrace inside a home looking out amongst the snow storm. Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice.

  Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make someone smile, I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know.  Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me while deeply embracing them during a dance in the snow.

  I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith in God and his divine plan ensures everything will be just fine.  Tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens.  I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon, and I will praise God for these magnificent treasures.  

  As this beautiful snowy day ends and all becomes black I will lay my head down on my pillow, I will thank the almighty for the best day of my life and I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be............. The Best Day Of My Life!